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Steven Harper leads wilderness hiking workshops and retreats. In Big Sur, California; Tassajara Zen Center. In the Santa Lucia Mountains; Ojai Foundation. In the hills above Ventura, California, and Tribal Ground Circle. These programs explore the inner and outer reaches of wilderness through ecopsychology, contemporary awareness practices, and wisdom traditions that encourage aliveness. I lead, descriptions about these courses, as well as a workshop journal. While many of the pro.
Kosho McCall Installed as Abbot in Austin. Sharing the roots, coming into our own. Click photo for larger size. All about the May meeting in Chapel Hill, including personal reports from attendees.
Mountain Source Sangha
Mountain Source Sangha
262 Alpine Street
San Rafael, CA, 94901
Mountain Source Sangha
George Mills
262 Alpine Street
San Rafael, CA, 94901
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